DCRM 2024

  • Beatrixtheater Utrecht
  • 7 november 2024 09:00 - 8 november 2024 17:00

Parallel sessie A: Freepapers

O001: Health trajectories up to 3 years post-hospitalization for COVID-19: long-term outcomes of the CO-FLOW study – Julia Berentschot
O002: Early patient-specific prediction of upper limb recovery in stroke: a machine learning approach – Govert van der Gun
O003: Parental experiences and needs during disclosure of a (high risk of) cerebral palsy diagnosis of their child: a scoping review – Jet van der Kemp
O004: Combined personalized home-based aerobic exercise and coaching improve physical fitness in people with neuromuscular diseases – Eric Voorn
During the congress a delegation of the scientific committee awards the Best Oral prize. The awarding of this prize is based on the following criteria (scientific quality; quality of the content of the abstract; clinical relevance;innovative) and the quality of the presentation. The prize will be awarded to a early career researcher (resident, rehabilitation physician for max. 3 years or PhD candidate / PhD graduated max. 3 years ago)

OI-01: Providing support within a pediatric healthcare team to increase the use of technology to attain treatment goals and improve care – Bonita Janse
OI-02: Big data in rehabilitation: Rehablines databank to (re)use clinical data for scientific research in rehabilitation – Leonie Krops en Klaske van Kammen
OI-03: HemON-NL: ARC Therapy to restore hemodynamic stability and trunk control in people with spinal cord injury – Ilse van Nes
OI-04: The design and evaluation of a lightweight knee-ankle prosthesis for sit-to-stand support – Bob van der Windt

O005: The supplementary motor area response to whole-body balance perturbations is affected by stroke severity and age – Joris van der Cruijsen
O006: Validity and clinical utility of the Screening Visual Complaints questionnaire-acquired brain injury (SVCq-abi) – Vera Linde Dol
O007: Health Intelligence for Neurorehabilitation Care – Ruud van der Veen
O008: Enhancing stroke rehabilitation: the added value of sensor-based tests on recovery predictions – Natasja Wouda

O009: Post-exertional malaise in patients with COVID-19 at 3 years after hospital discharge; long-term outcomes of the CO-FLOW study – Martine Bek
O010: How should moderate to vigorous physical activity be measured in patients with neuromuscular diseases: with accelerometry or heart rate monitoring? – Mattijs de Kleuver
O011: How do people living with MND and their carers experience specialized care? Development and validation of a patient reported questionnaire – Ann Katrin Schmidt
O012: Addressing stigma to improve quality of life outcomes among people with neuromuscular diseases – Marion Sommers-Spijkerman

O13: Action observation with motor simulation improves recovery from loss of balance in older adults with a history of falls – Lotte Hagedoorn
O14: Benefits of resistance training are not preserved after cessation of supervised training in prostate cancer patients on androgen deprivation therapy – Lisanne Houben
O15: Nutritional intake and nutritional status in people with a major dysvascular lower limb amputation: a scoping review – Aniek Kolen
O16: The steep ramp test: a practical exercise test that’s reliable and valid to assess cardiorespiratory fitness in apparently healthy adults – Ingeborg Trul-Kreuze

O017: Blended care versus standard care in cardiac rehabilitation – Frederieke van den Akker
O018: Application of an existing virtual reality-based pain management training in persons with spinal cord injury pain – a pilot study – Joost Baardman
O019: Psychometric properties of the cognition in daily life scale (CDL) – Fleur Domensino
O020: Allied Rehabilitation using caregiver-Mediated exercises combined with telerehabilitation for Stroke (ARMed4Stroke): a randomized controlled trial – Marijn Mulder